Things I need from cats or comments

Icestorm, I didn't put you as venom filled claws because I think controlling nature, the moon and weather are enough.

Some things....

Allies- Featherclan, Frostclan

Rivals- Tigerfrost

Monday, April 26, 2010

First Clan Meeting

As you all know this is our first clan meeting, our clan is not that large, made of only 13 cats, but since Greenleaf is upon us we have much prey! I would like to recongnize our deputy, Winterfrost and our Medicine cats, Abyssmoon and Embertail! Thank you all for joining POWERCLAN!


  1. You know i asked If i Am a warrior as a warrior I can have a mate and be a med cat. Also, other- I have 9 lives grantd from star clan to give the leader 1 or 2 more lives, every time a cat died a life is granted to me.

  2. Since i asked you if i can be a warrior and a medicine cat.If i am a warrior, I can pick a mate. I can get you lives from starclan. I have 9 lives like a leader.

  3. In the Nursery~

    *Gasps* "The kits are comming!"

    "Help! My mate is having her kits!"

  4. ok I am coming!!

    at dawn- you had 2 wonderful kits. 1 she cat and a tom


  5. "My kits' info...
    First for the tom.
    Description-dusky-brown pelt and amber eyes.
    Rank-kit [for now]
    Kin-Snowpelt (mother), Beachfur (father), Starkit (sibling)
    POWER!-telaport and read minds

    And now for the she-cat...

    Description-dappled gray and white pelt, and green eyes
    Rank-kit [for now]
    Kin-Snowpelt (mother), Beachfur (father), Dustkit (sibling)
    POWER!-can control plants [how they grow, how fast they grow, where they grow, etc.]
    That's all!"

    -Snowpelt & Beachfur, now proud parents!
